Liam Finn – Reader & Therapist
My Name is Liam Finn, and my business to offer my services is called Shivananta. I am a Yogi, that means someone who is in union with his inner self, his light.
From this awareness I offer myself as a Reiki Healer, Psychic, Artist, Crystal Healer, and Guide. I use my Psychic Senses, Crystals, and Tarot Cards to channel information which connects you to your higher self and helps you on your path. My purpose is to awaken the experience of being Light, of your soul, within yourself.
Reiki – 60-mins £55 click here
Energy work is not limited by distance or physical presence, so you may request a session online or in person. Assists with pain or struggles, so that they can use their regained health to spread love and healing to others.
Reiki & Crystal Healing – 60-mins £77 click here
Suitable crystals may be placed on specific spots on and around the body, to make that body part resonate with and be influenced by the vibrations of the crystal, resulting in a harmonisation of one’s being.
Crystal Healing – 60-mins £55 click here
Suitable crystals may be placed on specific spots on and around the body, to make that body part resonate with and be influenced by the vibrations of the crystal, resulting in a harmonisation of one’s being.
Psychic Reading with Liam – 60-mins £77 click here
I do not offer fortune telling but my intention is to give you the tools to master your current challenges. As such the focus of my psychic readings is on the present and to uncover lessons from the past.
Psychic Reading with Liam – 30-mins £44 click here
I do not offer fortune telling but my intention is to give you the tools to master your current challenges. As such the focus of my psychic readings is on the present and to uncover lessons from the past.
Psychic Reading with Liam – 10-mins £22 click here
I do not offer fortune telling but my intention is to give you the tools to master your current challenges. As such the focus of my psychic readings is on the present and to uncover lessons from the past.
Sound Healing – 60-mins £77 click here
Everything in the existence is a certain vibration, so one may directly influence the energy, mental, and physical bodies through accurate usage of sounds.